Products / Textile Industry / Reactive Dyes...
  Rungactive High Exhaust (HE) Dyes
RUNGACTIVE HE dyes are suitable for dyeing cotton and other cellulosic materials. These dyes possess significantly higher exhaustion and fixation efficiency which results in appreciable cost reduction in comparison to conventional reactive dyes. The high fixation and good build up are of particular importance when dyeing polyester/cellulosic blends where liquor to goods ratio is quite high. Due to higher fixation of Rungactive HE dyes, the drained and wash liquor after dyeing contain much less quantity of unifixed dyes, in comparison to conventional reactive dyes, which is of interest when pollution control is major concern to everybody. This facilitates quicker wash off and efficient soaping. The improved stability of Rungactive HE dyes gives improved batch to batch consistancy. Exhaustion of Rungactive HE dyes can be controlled by salt addition and temperature to give level dyeing before alkali addition.
  • Excellent build up in high as well as low liquor ratios.
  • Not affected by wide variation in liquor ratios in dyeing yarn, loose stock, piece and hank, in package and beam dyeing machines, knitted and woven goods in the winch and woven piece goods on the jigger.
  • High fixation and high tinctorial values hence economical in use.
  • Very good compatibility gives extensive range of shades based on few dyes and excellent reproducibility, consistant high yields and freedom from 'lisiting' and 'ending'
  • Though Rungactive H brand dyes do not have the same exhaust and fixation properties as HE dyes, they can be used in mixtures with HE series.
  • Extremely suitable for dyeing single bath 2 step method, Cellulosic part of polyester/cotton and polyester/viscose blends.
 Yellow HE6G Yellow - 135
 Yellow HE4G Yellow - 81
 Yellow HE4R Yellow - 84
 G.Yellow HER Yellow - 84A
 Orange HER Orange - 84
 Orange HE2R Orange - 94
 Red HE3B Red - 120
 Red HE7B Red - 141
 Red HE8B Red - 152
 Green HE4B Green - 19
 Green HE4BD Green - 19A
 Blue HERD Blue - 160
 Navy Blue HER Blue - 171
 Navy Blue HE2R Blue - 172
 Black HEBL -